Today I’m feeling grand.
The pheasant, it was lavish!

And what about
that blissful wine?

It’s about to vanish!

As emperor my expectation
is culinary sweet sensation.
Stately business is demanding,
so I need my rations.

A wise man never takes
a politician’s wine glass.
One of them or two and then
solutions will be high-class.

As emperor my aspiration
is the peak of food creation.
Rich sufficient food nutrition -
no doctor’s consultation.

I’d rather never ask
about Hegar’s “specialties”.

You’re right, my dear, it’s something
you would serve your enemies.

But here we thrive on delectation,
causing the most admiration.
Love, here is a glass to fill.
Pour me more wine.

I will.

Now look at these amazing hats,
for our eyes a fine feast.
Nobody else shall sneak a peek.

They would soon be seized.

Oh Regat’s truly full of blessing,
unlike Hegar; Simpletons and
lots of fools inhabit it.
Yes, it is quite depressing.

Meredin, my concubine,
does this hat suit me well?

Your elegance amazes me.
It’s bonnie, I can tell.

Believe me, all of Melven’s hats
would decorate no more than brats.
Now dance the waltz, my turtle dove,
the stars will shine above!


With all this dancing I get dizzy,
time to pause now, maybe.

I will help you cool down, sweetheart.

Thank you, my fair lady!

Pray tell, my gorgeous, do you know
what I love most about you?
Without much thinking it’s your eyes
that I’d choose if I had to.

You honor me, your majesty!

What I say is true!
But please preserve your silhouette,
my dearest honeydew.

Hegar's mob, it may be fat;
In Regat, we are slim!
Look at the fatty stuff they eat,
their future must be grim!

Highly advanced civilization,
that is only Regat’s nation.
It is where you’ll find no sick,
no lazy population.

There’s no one to defeat us.
Praise the gods. We are the leaders.
Hand me wine, grapes from the garden,
so my mood will never darken.
I get pure treats in the bargain.

Hail to the emperor Arkon!

Weitere Beiträge zum Musical

Behind the Scenes

Sorry! Dieser Bereich ist derzeit noch geschlossen. Doch mit der Zeit werden sich die Türen öffnen! weiterlesen

John Oechtering

Als er etwa acht Jahre alt war, drückte ihm sein Vater vertrauensvoll seine Canon AE-1 in die Hand und sagte weiterlesen

CD Trackliste

Akt 1 Lied 01: Helden der Garde / ANETA / TARA Lied 02: Flamme von Hegar / DECEM / JADE / MELVENLied 03: Formidables Regat weiterlesen

Die CD zum Musical

Die limitierte Auflage im exklusiven Digipack ist leider vergriffen.- Platz 4 der deutschen Musical Charts - Booklet 16-seitig mit allen Lyrics weiterlesen

Releases & Publications

Regisseur und Produzent Marc Blasweiler ließ sein Werk „Das Schicksal von Cysalion“ von 2010 bis 2014 mehrfach als Live-Action-Fantasymusical auf weiterlesen
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