06. TORCH OF TRUTH (Dungeon II)

The Guardians you’re praising,
but I tell you now:
They’re nothing but false,
just a lie.

They’re a shadow, a name
without power and might.
But legends to
your foolish eye.

The people of Hegar,
deceived they have been.
In centuries of prayer,
for what?

And the Guardians stay silent.
May I tell you why?
They do not exist!
Trust your gut!

I’ve never heard
things like what you said.
But a liar you
don’t seem to be.

Still, it's not easy for me
to have trust in your words.
The Guardians,
they have never failed me.

Your faith is for nothing,
your prayers unheard.
The result is this
wonderful view:

A dungeon that offers
you bleakness and dirt.
The Guardians will not lift
a finger for you!

They will come to help me!

Believe me, they won’t!
For what’s an illusion
to do?

How dare you to say this?

Now listen to me!
The truth is what I offer

Have faith in the Rythans,
the Guardians let go!

How blasphemous
your words turn out to be.

The torch of truth burning
conveyed by my knowledge.
And yet, you're still blinded.

It’s you who can’t see!

The Enaiyens deceive and they
lie through their teeth.
No word from the temple
is true!

Let go of the dark in you!

See, the light comes
from Utepion’s ruins!
They will rise anew!



The Rythans!


The Rythans!

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CD Trackliste

Akt 1 Lied 01: Helden der Garde / ANETA / TARA Lied 02: Flamme von Hegar / DECEM / JADE / MELVENLied 03: Formidables Regat weiterlesen
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